Some Updates!
We have a lot to shout out about at the end of another busy week
Construction Excellence Awards: There were great examples of innovation, industry wide collaboration and investing in people and the future of construction. Congratulations to all of the winners, and the recognition we got to be shortlisted is something we are so proud of all of our staff and stakeholders. Thank you. We unfortunately did not win our category but the projects we lost against were pretty fantastic!
COVID Complacency: Just a reminder that as we get more normality back (which is great!) we maintain our covid safe operating procedures and politely ask everyone helps to continue to adhere to this as it is so important in the ongoing fight to keep everyone safe.
Improving our Comms: We have some exciting new developments. When you call us we have some new options so please listen carefully. We also have a new mailing list feature on our website whereby you can join to hear the latest news and open positions first hand when they go live.